Thursday, November 4, 2010

Revised and Revisited

I've realized that there is only one constant in the thesis year, and possibly in life, [and not to steal Volcoms branding but its so true...] 'The only constant is change'. So here we go again. This time rather than changing my whole thesis topic like I had at the beginning of the quarter, I'd like to say its become "polished" as time goes on. Under the guidelines of the 1+3+9 Thesis writing format here is the latest and greatest. First sentence is an overall theme, followed by 3 of explanation, 9 of summary.

In an effort to minimize environmental degradation with architecture, a college community focused on living within the realm of renewable resources will enrich students’ education and efforts in finding meaningful solutions to today’s environmental issues.

Global sustainability and entropy have become current popular topics within almost every collegiate learning environment, and educating students to find solutions has become a greater focus. The current Oxford and Cambridge system of colleges at UCSD offers students in the classroom a diversified academic group of individuals with ranging ideas and backgrounds. For passionate students of ecology, current UCSD college living situations don’t offer a place where a hands on approach to live what they learn in the classroom to find solutions to the issues.

In an effort to avoid future problems in the human ecology and entropy chain of events, university lifestyles should comprehensively be seen as an extension to learning. Apart from the classroom, the living arrangements are where students spend the greatest amount of time. These dormitories are seen as a place where a diversified group of cultures, backgrounds, and histories mesh to produce a new sub-culture. Honing in on the subculture and knowledge of its users, living environments can become a laboratory to learn/solve issues of entropy and environmental degradation. Environmental degradation is the result of altering a site to the point that it no longer resembles nature or has a natural thriving ecology. This thesis will propose a 7th college to the UCSD university structure that will focus its general education in the ecology and entropy of human survival. This college will provide a center for regenerative ecology and studies with a building that act as a teaching tool to promote future interaction with nature with minimal environmental impact. Students will have the ability to cultivate land, take classes from inter disciplinary studies about regenerative studies, and experiment with new methods of living off of the natural resources available. Multiple sustainable methods will be explored from water reclaiming, solar power, and local food sources, along with adaptation for future sustainable methods.